".....This album, in CD and USB/Cassette formats, documents the reunion of 'the trio' after nearly two years in which everyones' lives everywhere have changed. It was a musical joy and so thrilling to see Kyoko Oyobe on piano and Ameen Saleem on bass, after so long, and to play new music together again. I hope you enjoy listening to this music as much as I enjoyed making it with Kyoko and Ameen."

Chris Parker 2022


Chris Parker’s newest album is playing on a USB flash drive cassette!

And Chris Parker’s newest album is also playing!

Last year, artist and musician Chris Parker had an idea to turn his pen, brushes and watercolors onto bamboo fans, and then rice paper lanterns. He decided to take them to Japan where he was playing drums on a concert tour. To his surprise the lampoons and the fans sold out before the end of the tour.

Day Light

Day Light

Night Light

Night Light

Night Light

Night Light

Day Light

Day Light

Place it on a pedestal. In this case, a bowl.





Hang your lampoon from almost anything.


Art Lampoons are rice paper lanterns (choochin), painted with watercolor, gouache, pen and glycerin. The lampoons may be hung and lit internally with LEDs. They are easy to collapse for shipping or moving.

Every lampoon (choochin) and fan (uchiwa) is a one-of-kind, original painting by Chris Parker.

Check out the currently available
lampoons and fans.

Consider a personal
commissioned lampoon or fan.